Key Updates Archive

Archived Key Updates, in reverse chronological order:


Sobering Center Referral for Opioid Overdose (October)

Medical Student Supervision Guide (September)

Antibiotic Selection Guide (September)

Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (August)

Blood Culture Utilization (July)


Cooling Catheter Placement (December)

Fibrinolytics Guideline (December)

Clinician-Only Care Pathway (September)

Attending Roles and Expectations (September)

Fiberoptic Scope Supplies (August)

Clinical Service Agreements (May)

Critical Results Callback Workflow (May)

Radiology Image Import/Export (March)

Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) (January)


Substance Use navigators (November)

Bronchiolitis Pathway (November)

Trauma Team Huddle (October)

Coma and lvo (October)

Influenza therapeutics (October)

Biliary Disease & Imaging (October)

ED Interpreter Dot Phrase (July)

Superzone Workflow (June)

High-Sens Troponin Pathway (May)

IV Contrast Shortage (May)

COVID Vaccines for ED patients (May)

Stroke Workflow (April)

SHORTAGE: D50 & IV Thiamine (Mar)


COVID Therapeutics (Jan)

Temporary Shelter (Jan) 

Linkage Center (Jan)

Flu/Viral Testing (Jan)

Instrument recycling (Jan)


Procedural Sedation Consent (Nov)

Employee Flu Shots & COVID Boosters (Oct)

Naltrexone for Alcohol Use Disorder (Oct)

NSGY & Spine Pager Updates (Sept)

Guaiac Testing (Sept)

Sepsis Bundle Tips  (Aug)

Consulting Substance Use Navigators (July)

Consult/Admission communications  (May)

Nasal Intubation Equipment (May)

Outpatient Ultrasounds (May)

Discharge with Restraints to PES (May)

Wraparound Referral (April)

paging neurology & Stroke Activation (April)

JCAHO Site visit (April)

Gonorrhea/Chlamydia Single Swab (April)

Endocavitary Probe Workflow (March)

SFGH COVID Vaccination Clinic (March)

Needle Thoracostomy (February)      

Guaiac Testing (January)



New STI Guidelines (December)

Gonorrhea/Chlamydia Testing (November)

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