There are two types of fiberoptic scopes:
- Reusable short scope (used to visualize up to the cord)
*Must be sterilized after use - Disposable long scope (used to visualize past the cords, intubate)
*Located on the side of the scope cart across from Resus-5. Additional scopes can be found near the Resus hydration station on the wall.
*No longer requires an adaptor
Scope Cart Supplies
- 1st Drawer - Sign out/log book (MD, use log with RED label) - for short scope
- 2nd Drawer - Atomizers, oral scope introducer, suction valve, nasopharyngeal tubes for intubation
- 3rd Drawer - Empty
- 4th Drawer - Suction valves, scope wipes
- 5th Drawer - Small reusable NP scope
- 6th Drawer - Empty
- Side of Cart - Disposable long fiberscopes
If missing supplies, check airway equipment area by Resus hydration station. If cannot find item, tell charge RN and email Kayla Enriquez ( & Deb Robinson (
Page last updated April 2024