Towers in each resuscitation room have a new layout, as listed from top to bottom. See below photo guide for more details.
Top Row: things to grab prior to patient arrival
- Drapes (including full body drapes for chest tubes on top left)
- Pelvic binder
Second Row: vascular access
- Femoral and radial arterial lines
- IO needle and driver
- Central line dressing
- 1st - miscellaneous (14G needle thoracostomy, extra scalpels, US probe covers, tongue depressors, hemoccult, lube)
- 2nd - chest tube supplies (kits, 3M Medipore tape, extra 0 silk sutures)
- Extra chest tubes are on the side of the tower
- Note that lidocaine is now stocked in the Omnicells in each resuscitation room
- 3rd - cardiac supplies (cardiac stapler, cardiac 3-0 prolene sutures)
- 4th - wound care supplies (suture repair kit, sutures for hemorrhage control, gauze, QuikClot, Kerlix)
Bottom Row: Pleur-evacs, triple lumen CVCs, extra Cordis (in addition to on the mayo stand)
Approved by Lauren Chalwell, MD | Last updated December 2023
resus resuscitation supplies tower layout central line arterial intraosseous io chest tube suture