Resident Jeopardy Workflow

If a resident does not show up for their assigned shift, contact the Jeopardy Chief on call for the day. You can identify the Jeopardy Chief on Shift Admin (see below screenshot).

The Jeopardy Chief will inform the attending(s) working in that pod if an intern\resident calls out.

Resident Minimal Staffing:

For all Pod A shifts: 1 senior resident (R3/R4), 1 EM resident (R2-R4), 1 intern, 1 float

For Pod B shifts (7A, 3P): if Pod B is active with 8 or more beds, then jeopardy would be activated

***Please note that some programs have a resident jeopardy system while others do not. While all attempts will be made to maintain minimal resident staffing, if the program of the intern\resident calling out does not have a jeopardy system, then the shift will go unfilled.


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